Executando o OEWizard do Swingbench em modo texto

Olá pessoal, aqui vai uma pequena nota mental de como executar o utilitário OEWizard do Swingbench em modo texto.


Neste exemplo estou executando a partir do servidor de banco de dados mesmo e para isso é necessário ter o Java instalado. A versão 2.6 do Swingbench requer o Java 1.8 e este já vem junto com a instalação do Oracle Database 18c.

Para usar o Java do Oracle lembre-se de definir o caminho do binário do Java na variável $PATH do sistema operacional:

[oracle@oracle-srv bin]$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/oracle/product/18.0.0/grid/jdk/jre/bin
[oracle@oracle-srv bin]$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_171"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_171-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.171-b11, mixed mode)

Feito isso execute o OEWizard em modo texto:

[oracle@oracle-srv bin]$ ./oewizard -s -cs //localhost:1521/orcl -create -dba "sys as sysdba" -dbap oracle -ts SOE_DATA -df +DATA/orcl/datafile/soe_data.277.1000650159 -tc 4 -allindexes -u soe -p soe -v -normalfile -nopart -scale 3 -cl
Connecting to : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl
|           Datagenerator Run Stats        |
Connection Time                        0:00:00.003
Data Generation Time                   0:02:38.979
DDL Creation Time                      0:00:49.236
Total Run Time                         0:03:28.220
Rows Inserted per sec                      228,398
Data Generated (MB) per sec                   18.3
Actual Rows Generated                   36,990,417
Commits Completed                            1,890
Batch Updates Completed                    184,988

Connecting to : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl

Post Creation Validation Report
The schema appears to have been created successfully.

Valid Objects
Valid Code : 'ORDERENTRY'
Schema Created

Você pode conferir o que é cada parâmetro no help do OEWizard:

[oracle@oracle-srv bin]$ ./oewizard --help
usage: parameters:
 -allindexes             build all indexes for schema
 -async_off              run without async transactions
 -async_on               run with async transactions (default)
 -bigfile                use big file tablespaces
 -c <filename>           wizard config file
 -cf <file>              the location of a crendentials file for Oracle
                         Exadata Express
 -cl                     run in character mode
 -compositepart          use a composite paritioning model if it exisits
 -compress               use default compression model if it exists
 -create                 create benchmarks schema
 -cs <connectString>     connectring for database
 -dba <username>         dba username for schema creation
 -dbap <password>        password for schema creation
 -debug                  turn on debugging output
 -debugf                 turn on debugging output to file (debug.log)
 -df <datafile>          datafile name used to create schema in
 -drop                   drop benchmarks schema
 -dt <driverType>        driver type (oci|thin)
 -g                      run in graphical mode (default)
 -generate               generate data for benchmark if available
 -h,--help               print this message
 -hashpart               use hash paritioning model if it exists
 -hcccompress            use HCC compression if it exisits
 -nocompress             don't use any database compression
 -noindexes              don't build any indexes for schema
 -nopart                 don't use any database partitioning
 -normalfile             use normal file tablespaces
 -oltpcompress           use OLTP compression if it exisits
 -p <password>           password for benchmark schema
 -part                   use default paritioning model if it exists
 -pkindexes              only create primary keys for schema
 -rangepart              use a range paritioning model if it exisits
 -ro                     reverse the order in which data is generated
                         (smallest first)
 -s                      run in silent mode
 -scale <scale>          mulitiplier for default config
 -sp <soft partitions>   the number of softparitions used. Defaults to cpu
 -tc <thread count>      the number of threads(parallelism) used to
                         generate data. Defaults to cpus*2
 -ts <tablespace>        tablespace to create schema in
 -u <username>           username for benchmark schema
 -v                      run in verbose mode when running from command
 -version <version>      version of the benchmark to run

Para executar o Swingbench também em modo texto utilizamos o Charbench da seguinte forma:

[oracle@oracle-srv bin]$ ./charbench -cs //localhost:1521/orcl -u soe -p soe -uc 2 -c ../configs/SOE_Server_Side_V2.xml
Author  :        Dominic Giles
Version :

Results will be written to results.xml.
Hit Return to Terminate Run...

Time            Users   TPM     TPS

3:37:21 PM      2       22604   439
3:39:24 PM      2       25761   472
Completed Run.

Espero que apreciem e seja útil quando precisarem usar este método.

Abraços e até mais,
