Olá pessoal, o post aqui tem a finalidade de divulgar um webinar público que será ministrado pelo Craig Shallahamer do OraPub no dia 28/Fev/2017 das 12:00 às 13:00 (horário de Brasília). Aproveite seu horário de almoço!
Os webinars dele são muito bons e como ele mesmo fala é ao vivo e tudo pode acontecer.
Caso tenham interesse no tema e queiram participar sigam os dados abaixo:
Overall performance sucks. You run an AWR report for the most intense hour and see the top “event” is “DB CPU” followed by “cursor: pin S wait on X”. This is where the webinar begins! HOW WILL WE USE THIS TO SOLVE PROBLEMS? I will demonstrate how to do an Oracle time based analysis including integrating the OS situation into our analysis and finding the true “top” SQL. This journey includes a trip into Oracle’s library cache, memory access control and some interesting ways to improve SQL statement performance. It’s all live, it’s exciting… anything can happen! |
Event Details: http://www.orapub.com/orapub- Date/Time: Tuesday, February 28 from 7:00am to 8:00am Los Angeles Time, 8:30pm to 9:30pm India Standard Time. Webinar URL: https://www.gotomeet.me/OraPub Password: dbcpu Registration: Not required, but only 45 seats available. Join the webinar early. |
São apenas 45 vagas.
Façam bom proveito.
Grande abraço,